Clayful partners with school districts and families to improve long-term outcomes for students.
Stanford-backed studies show that schools that partner with Clayful see reduced chronic absenteeism, decreased symptoms of anxiety, and a positive impact on behavior.
attendance by chronically absent students
with anxiety report that they rely on Clayful
in anxiety symptoms by students that use Clayful
Support should be immediate and available where students most comfortable—by text, in their home language, and on their terms.
Not every student will ask for help or feel comfortable reaching out. Clayful is an easy and confidential way to get the support they need.
Preventing issues before they escalate is effective and resource-efficient. Consistent support prevents crises and benefits students.
Technology should be used to positively impact students’ lives by teaching them to use digital tools for constructive purposes.
We partner with schools and families to provide wellness support, so students get the care they need from all the relevant people in their lives.
Every student deserves equal access to tools and support that can help create opportunities to build the life they want to lead.
Every time we resolved something significant i noticed i could actually breathe easier.
Student, age 12
In the past we would have had to stop what we were teaching and deal with like two or three peer conflicts.
Now I tell them to go on Clayful and talk to a coach so they get some strategies to emotionally regulate.
Middle School Teacher
I wanted to thank you one more time, you helped me deal with a huge issue and i might resolve the whole thing in one conversation!
I really appreciate what the Clayful team is doing in today's world because this stuff is life changing and life saving.
Middle School Student
I don’t need one more thing to sit in my curriculum closet.
I need connection. I need people who are willing to do something about real issues happening right now. Clayful does that.
High School Principal
I like that I have a resource to send them to when I have to meet at another time or reschedule.
Middle School Counselor
There was times where I didn’t want to get up but I pushed myself.
An example was this morning I didn’t really feel like making my bed but I told myself if I make my bed then I’ll be set for the day and won’t have to come home to make the bed.
High School Student
I think ive kinda gathered my thoughts on how i felt.
I might talk to my mom about it.
I'm glad this chat stuff exists.
Middle School Student
I was able to say many things that I wouldn’t have been able to in person with another adult.
Middle School Student